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Level 1 E-Commerce Motorsport Portal

In addition to the features you get in the Basic Motorsport Portal, you'll also have the following upgrades:

  • Add to Cart - When your online visitor sees a product they would like to purchase, they can click the "Buy" option to add it to their cart in their desired quantity.
  • View Cart - Shoppers can review the items in their cart, and the total price of their cart, at any time.  They can make changes to quantities, or remove items if they were just window shopping.
  • Cart Memory - Shoppers who are called away from their PCs while shopping can return to their cart at any time and from any PC.
  • Place Order - When the shopper decides to place the order with you, they will be asked to confirm their shipping address, billing address, and contact information.
  • Process Orders - From the administration screen, you can review and process placed orders.  The shopper's contact information is available for each order.

What E-Commerce Level 1 does not give you:

  • Credit card processing
  • Automated lookups of shipping costs for inclusion in total price

Many of our customers are happy with just the Level 1 product as they have a chance to personally interact with the client while obtaining their perferred payment method.  Also, depending on how much your inventory fluctuates and how fast you can replenish your inventory, this method version may avoid problems of customers placing charges on their credit cards for which you have no stock.

Take a test drive of the Motorsport Portal now!


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